East Africa
Acacia Mining
Client Requirements
Acacia Mining, a TSX-listed gold miner operating the North Mara Mine in Tanzania, wanted to assess the viability of developing an underground facility at its Nyabirama deposit extending from the existing open pit mining operation.
Project Solutions and Approach
MineScope was engaged to complete a Pre-Feasibility Study to evaluate options for the development of the Nyabirama Underground Mine. MineScope assembled a bespoke team of in-house and associate experts, and key selected consultants covering Geology, Geotechnical, Hydrogeology, Mining, Metallurgy, Engineering, Tailings and Water Management, Infrastructure, and Cost Estimation disciplines. The Environmental and Social Governance component of the Study was covered by Acacia’s in-house ESG team.
Outcomes and Achievements
The Pre-Feasibility Study evaluated multiple mining methods, fill options, and process plant and tailings dam capacity options as well as identifying the necessary infrastructure upgrades required. Whilst this asset has since gone through a Change-of-Control, the outcomes of the Study have been considered by the new owners in its ongoing assessment of the project.